Taking the Cogniventive Challenge
“cogniventus” literally means “knowledge to come”
—it is the promise that drives the scientist to new discoveries about the world outside ourselves
—it is the anticipation that drives all human being to new discoveries about the world within ourselves
—it is the expectancy of that one life-changing insight that hovers just at the horizon of your awareness
—it is that defining moment, When Knowing Who You Are, Changes Who You Are.
As such, a Cogniventive shift and a Paradigm-shift are closely related. On this page you will move through Four All-Encompassing Questions answered at Three Different Levels of Knowledge. Moving through the relationships among these twelve bullet-pointed modules are both necessary and sufficient conditions to move from:
1. A substance-causality based model of Addiction Recovery and the Self to a process-creativity model of Addiction Recovery and the Self.
2. Simple awareness to meta-awareness through the stages of noticing, relating, and relocating.
Once this shift has been accomplished, everything that preceded it will be obsolete, and everything that follows it will be derivative.
But perhaps we should not approach this so seriously: just point & click on any of these Twelve Portals of Opportunity and try to have some fun as your mind begins think new thoughts, and your heart begins to feel new feelings.