
Some Helpful Vocabulary

“Precision in thinking requires precision in language.”


The Meta-Process mandate to “think differently” requires a language that allows our knowledge to take flight while, paradoxically, remaining grounded in well-crafted meanings—A Language of Liberation. The challenge in such endeavors has always been to keep off-putting jargon to a minimum while introducing inviting new terminology and re-invigorated definitions of some familiar terms.


We begin with two new words, coined by me, meant as a warning shot to the student: you are walking into new territory that will be as adventurous as it will be challenging, and the language will be the roadsigns for the Meta-Process Roadmap that will guide your trip.

cogniventus is the Event:

“cogniventus” literally means “knowledge to come”

—it is the promise that drives the scientist to new discoveries about the world outside ourselves
—it is the anticipation that drives all human being to new discoveries about the world within ourselves

—it is the expectancy of that one life-changing insight that hovers just at the horizon of your awareness

—it is that defining moment when: Knowing who you are, Changes who you are.

cognivention is the Process

cogni*vention (käg’nǝ-ven’shǝn) N.

1. cognition: the act or process of knowing


2. invention: to originate, create, or produce a new process that did not exist previously

= cognivention: the continuous reinvention of the Self by progressively deeper acts of Self-knowledge.


We continue with a precise characterization of human being from which everything within the cogniventive worldview will flow:

Homo Volitio: “Willful Man” functions by making choices, experiencing and remembering the results of those choices, and then choosing again. This rather sterile characterization of our species comes with a strong caveat; we remember in two ways: through Factual Memory which increases our range of choices, and through Volitional Memory which decreases our range of choices.

Addiction: A disorder of Homo Volitio (A disorder of the Self); a distortion of Volitional Memory that gives a permanent identity to any impermanent stream of desire. (Within this characterization, cognivention eliminates addiction with no remainder)

Addiction as Volitional Disorder

“Addiction Recovery Disorder”: A disorder afflicting a recovered addict who continues to feed an almost extinguished addiction by activities that continually reinforce the identity of being an addict: continuing to believe in one’s powerless even when one is not using, going to Step meetings and repeating over and over again “I am an an alcoholic” etc. Craving without an anchor in the Self-Image eventually dissipate.

Within the cogniventive worldview, once an addiction is fully disarmed, it cannot appear again except as a new addiction with new causes & conditions, and For those subscribing to the disease model, it would be as if one had stomach cancer in thier 20’s and, after a couple of decades of remission, a different cancer appeared in their brain needing completely different treatment.

Factual Memory: “facts as such”

Volitional Memory: the blunt predisposition of the Self to reject or accept
“facts as such” solely in terms of whether or not they threaten or reinforce our Self-Image.

Self: The Process by which Body-Mind interacts (is in relationship) with the World

Self-Image: The residue of memories of the relationship between Body-Mind and World

Emergent Property

The Law of Diminishing Returns:

The Four Catalysts of Becoming:

The Law of Psychological Symmetry:

Radical Self-Knowledge:




Michael V. Cossette

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